Sexual harassment can make a woman feel powerless. But you can take back your power and we can help. Call, email or text us if you have been sexually harassed at work. And in the meantime, remember these tips:

Speak up. Tell the harasser his conduct is not professional and not welcome. Do it in a text or an email. And tell him if he doesn’t stop, the next person you contact will be HR or his boss.

Consult your employer’s sexual harassment policy and do what it tells you to do. Your employer wants to know if sexual harassment is occurring. If you don’t tell it, it might never find out. Worse, if you wait and say nothing, it might later say you made your story up. So don’t fear reporting the harasser to HR or to upper management. And be specific about what the harasser said and did. If your supervisor is the harasser, take your complaint to his boss.

Keep a record of any harassment episodes, your complaints, and any incidents related to the harassment — including dates, times, persons involved, and what was said.

You have a right to work without being sexually harassed. Don’t be afraid to reach out for help. Contact us today.